*** WooCommerce Shared Variation Inventory *** 2021-11-16 - version 3.4.1 * Fix issues related to quick edit 2021-10-27 - version 3.4.0 * Added shared varation stock column * Added quick edit * Supports float multiplier value 2021-6-21 - version 3.3 * Minor fixes to reduce the number of PHP Warnings 2021-6-14 - version 3.2 * Updated admin UI and compatibility with Product Batch & Expiration Tracking for WooCommerce plugin 2021-6-03 - version 3.1.6 * Updated stock reduction input field validation to be more comprehensive 2021-4-05 - version 3.1.5 * Fixed an bug causing issues with simple product cart validiation 2021-3-22 - version 3.1.4 * Updated compatibility with backorders 2021-3-22 - version 3.1.3 * Fixed compatibility with backorders 2020-11-16 - version 3.1.2 * Initial release